Poetry: Exhaling Time

Entering the realm of poetry for the first time. I hope you will enjoy this piece I wrote recently.

Madhu Singh
3 min readDec 5, 2023

Once, I took a deep breath,
Months have since flown, like birds
Tracing their paths into the twilight sky,
Across hundreds of sunsets.

Yet, I haven’t exhaled since.
Each day passes, dreadfully slow,
While my heart and soul yearn
For a peace once known, now distant.

Seeking that elusive touch,
The mingling of souls,
A connection profound enough
To send me spiraling into bliss.

In this ecstasy, in this blissful state,
My mind finds freedom,
A reminder amidst the chaos,
To finally exhale, to breathe once more.

Written by: Madhu Singh

This poem speaks to a deep, internal journey marked by anticipation and longing for a transformative love. It starts with a vivid memory, “I took a deep breath once,” which could symbolize a significant moment in my life when I first felt an overwhelming emotion, possibly love.

The passage of time, “months have flown by,” reflects my inner experience of waiting. It feels like an endless journey, similar to birds travelling across the sky at sunset, a natural yet poignant part of life’s cycle. Despite the passage of time, the initial feeling remains, captured in the phrase, “haven’t exhaled ever since,” suggesting a continuous state of anticipation or longing.

Each day feels heavy, “dreadfully passes by,” as I navigate through life with a heart and soul that yearn for peace. This peace, I believe, can only be achieved through a profound connection with someone-a touch, a meeting of souls-that promises to transport me to a state of bliss. This touch is not just physical; it’s a deeper, more spiritual connection that I imagine will bring an ecstasy so profound that it frees my mind from all constraints.

Living with this anticipation is like holding my breath, waiting for the moment that will allow me to exhale, release all the built-up emotions and finally experience the joy and freedom that I associate with this long-awaited love. The poem, from my perspective, is a deeply personal reflection on the power of love and connection and the transformative impact it has on one’s life and state of mind.

Thank you kindly for checking out this content and for sharing your thoughts, experiences, and feedback. Your attention and support mean the world to me and keep me inspired to keep creating wonderful and informative stuff. I hope this article has been helpful and eye-opening, and I can’t wait to share more with you down the road. If you need to reach me, have a look at my landing page with all my social links, and you are welcome to email me (for business stuff only, though). Also, I’ve started up my e-mail newsletter so whenever I post on my blog, you will immediately get it in your inbox. Sign up, here!

Originally published at https://itsmadhz.ghost.io on December 5, 2023.



Madhu Singh

Tech & Lifestyle Blogger | Sharing tech insights | Email me at itsmadhz@gmail.com for business inquiries